The Fireflies of Aioiyama

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Himebotaru: the fireflies of Aioiyama (first published in the Bulletin) It is almost completely dark. Monday 29th May. A night with no moon. The sky glows with the lights of the city: it’s really so close but it might be … Continued

The Tale of Shikanoko

posted in: Lian Writes... | 20

Dear Reader, I would like to tell you a little about this book, part epic, part romance, part fairy story. Five years ago I was in the northeastern region of Japan, a few months before the devastating tsunami of 2011. … Continued

Guide to Pronouncing Japanese Names

posted in: Lian Writes... | 5

Vowels are pronounced in the following way (as in British pronunciation): ‘a’ as the ‘a’ in ‘father’ ‘e’ as the ‘e’ in ‘met’ ‘i’ as the ‘i’ in ‘macaroni’ ‘o’ as the ‘o’ in ‘plot’ ‘u’ as the ‘oo’ in … Continued

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